safety product requiements

Product Safety: How Imago Group Can Help

At Imago Group, we take pride in our role as a facilitator in the production of books, printed materials, and various non-book items. Central to our mission is helping our customers ensure that they meet the relevant safety standards for their target audience and for the market they are selling the goods in.  Learn how we can help you ensure your products are safe and compliant.

Understanding Your Role and Responsibilities

As the party who is placing the goods on the market, it is important to understand that ultimate responsibility for ensuring products can legally be offered for sale rests with you.  This responsibility includes making sure you can demonstrate that your products comply with all applicable safety and environmental standards and carry any relevant warnings.  You are not alone though, The Imago Group have the expertise and experience to guide you along the way.

Our Approach to Product Safety

Imago Group’s people attend regular safety training, receive regulatory updates and insights and follow the Imago Group’s detailed safety process throughout the project.

Our Product Safety Consultant, Diane Greaves, is very much part of the team and is an unrivalled expert in the field of Toy Safety, having worked as a risk assessor for one of the world’s leading laboratories and as a consultant to many leading retailers and brands.   Diane also sits as an independent expert on several of the Standards Committees.

As a result when you place your order with Imago Group (especially if you do not have your own in house expertise) we are available to offer:

  • Comprehensive advice on the compliance requirements for specific products including:  toys, electrical / battery operated items, cosmetics and food contact materials according to the relevant international standards.   Please bear in mind that the requirements and standards differ from place to place!
  • For complex projects we perform an in-house Safety Assessment which we can share with you to help determine and mitigate risk and identify any testing requirements
  • Assistance to organise third party testing and build the Technical File
  • Advice on how to label your product correctly for its target audience and geographical market

ensure toy safety

Training and Consultancy

Many of our clients have a regular flow of projects and need their production staff to be fully versed in product safety matters.   We offer two specialized courses on Toy Safety:

  • Introduction to Toy Safety: An introductory level course aimed at production and publishing staff responsible for product safety.
  • Advanced Toy Safety: A one-day workshop focusing on the Safety Assessment process, designed for experienced production and
    publishing staff.

We also offer bespoke training / consultancy sessions if you have a group of people to train or an ongoing need for advice.

At Imago Group, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of product safety. Our collaborative approach and expertise enable us to assist our customers effectively throughout the production process. For more information on how we can support your compliance needs, please reach out to our team.

For further updates and insights on safety standards, stay tuned to our blog and website.

Safety Update
Do you have an upcoming project?

Contact us today to discover how Imago Group can assist you in meeting your product safety requirements.