Pip and Posy Soft Toys | Nosy Crow

Pip and Posy Toys
These two characters from the children’s book series ‘Pip and Posy’ were brought to life as Pip and Posy soft toys by the team at Imago for the publisher, Nosy Crow.
The team at Imago have the in-depth knowledge, experience, and all-important access to the global marketplace to create a plethora of tabletop games including soft toys.
It is always a pleasure to bring to life two such well-known characters and we were delighted to be asked to produce these two. Both are soft and cuddly and excellent representations of the characters in the book.
2D Imagery to 3D Soft Toys
The factories we work closely with are experienced in turning 2D images into 3D Pip and Posy soft toys and whilst there are always a few tweaks along the way, the end results are very pleasing.
Start your project
Imago would be delighted to work with you on your next print project. Get in touch with the team to discuss your ideas, no matter how out of the box they might seem!